Rotary Overview

A Rotary club is a group of local businessmen and professionals who form part of Rotary International, a community service organization founded in Chicago in 19051. Members of a Rotary club are called Rotarians. They meet regularly to plan and carry out projects that benefit their communities and the world. Some of the causes that Rotary clubs support are promoting peace, fighting disease, providing clean water, saving mothers and children, supporting education, growing local economies, and protecting the environment2.

Rotary clubs have more than 46,000 clubs in over 200 countries and regions3. They are led by a president who is elected annually by the club members. The president sets the vision and goals for the club and coordinates with other Rotary leaders at the district, zone, and international levels. Rotary clubs also have committees that focus on specific areas of service or interest4.

Rotary clubs are open to anyone who shares their passion for making a difference in the world. To join a Rotary club, you need to find one near you using the [My Rotary Club Finder] tool on the Rotary website. You can also search for existing clubs by name or location. Once you find a club that suits your interests and availability, you can contact them to learn more about their membership requirements and benefits5.