Rotary Club of Freetown-Sunset (RCFS) was set up in the year 2014 by a group of professionals that sought to advance the doctrine of “Service above Self” with support from Rotary International and the Rotary Foundation.
Since its inception, the Rotary Club of Freetown-Sunset has now amassed a membership of over 50 professionals from various vocations and nationalities, undertaken several projects that fall under the various Rotary areas of focus, fundraised, and contributed to the Foundation, supported the creation of new Rotaract and Interact Clubs through its New Generation Committee and improved the public image of the club through its social media platforms and the printed media.
Rotary Club of Freetown-Sunset is structured with a President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Committees that include Club Admin and Membership, Fundraising and Foundation, New Generation, Public Image, and Service Projects.
RCFS channels its commitment to service at home and abroad through five Avenues of Service, which are the foundation of club activity i.e., Club Service, Vocational Service, Community Service, International Service, and Youth Service with a focus on Promoting peace, fighting disease, providing clean water, saving mothers and children, supporting education, growing local economies and protecting the environment, these being Rotary International’s areas of focus.