The Rotary Foundation

The Rotary Foundation is a non-profit corporation that supports the efforts of Rotary International to achieve world understanding and peace through international humanitarian, educational, and cultural exchange programs. It is supported solely by voluntary contributions12.

Here are some key points about The Rotary Foundation:

  1. Mission: The Rotary Foundation helps Rotary members advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace by improving health, providing quality education, improving the environment, and alleviating poverty.

  2. Impact: Over the years, the Foundation has spent more than $4 billion on life-changing, sustainable projects. For example:

    • With just 60 cents, a child can be protected from polio.
    • $50 can provide clean water to help fight waterborne illnesses.
    • $500 can launch an antibullying campaign and create a safe environment for children.
  3. History: At the 1917 convention, outgoing Rotary president Arch Klumph proposed setting up an endowment “for the purpose of doing good in the world.” That idea, along with an initial contribution of $26.50, set in motion a powerful force that has transformed millions of lives globally.

  4. Financial Structure: The Rotary Foundation is organized as a public charity operated exclusively for charitable purposes. It is governed by a Board of Trustees. The headquarters of Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation are in Evanston, Illinois, USA. Associate foundations exist in several countries, including Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, India, Japan, Korea, and the United Kingdom.

  5. How You Can Help: Your generous contributions to The Rotary Foundation are essential to securing and growing Rotary programs worldwide. You can learn more about donor recognition and Rotary grants on their official website.