Lumley Beach Cleaning - 2023
Completed 100%
Donation Drive - 2023
Completed 100%
Campaign Against Malaria - 2023
Completed 100%
Donation To Aberdeen Women's Centre - 2022
Completed 100%
Collaboration With The Ministry Of Health And Sanitaton On Reaching The Zero Malaria Target - 2022
Completed 100%
Scholarship Awards To Deserving Students At The Rusell School - 2020
Completed 100%
Training Of 30 Teachers From 15 Freetown Municipal Schools On Covid-19
Completed 100%
Tree Planting Exercise At The Sierra Leone Grammar School - 2020
Completed 100%
Planting Of Trees In Collaboration with Freetown City Council - 2020
Completed 100%
Russell School Library Facility - 2020
Completed 100%
Covid 19 Donations - 2020
Completed 100%
Donations To Flood Victims At Kaningo - 2017
Completed 100%
BawBaw & Tengbeh Town School Radio Donations
Completed 100%
Donation At Orphanage - Fort Street 2017
Completed 100%
Ebola Victims - 2015
Completed 100%